⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Justin Ketchel and Thomas McKinley at Ketchel Law Firm are the very best defense attorneys and I wouldn’t use anyone else. When I first received the letter from Ketchel Law Firm I knew that I’d be in good hands and didn’t call any other law firm. After speaking with Justin he immediately put me at ease, answered all my questions, and helped alleviate my anxiety.
Thomas McKinley handled my court proceeding with professionalism, assertiveness, knowledge, and grace! I couldn’t be happier with the work he did representing me and the wonderful outcome we received!
I highly recommend Ketchel Law, they truly care about you not just as a client but as a person. If you are ever in need of legal help, there’s only one choice and it’s Ketchel Law!!
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Google Review – Five Stars | April 2023