PPE Fraud in Pennsylvania


Investigations for Fraud Related to COVID-19 Personal Protection Equipment (PPE) is on the Rise Fraud and scams for personal protective equipment (PPE) and Covid-19 testing are on the rise—what are Pennsylvania legislators doing to prevent it? The COVID-19 pandemic has caused the demand for personal protective equipment and other medical supplies to rise significantly.  As …

Reduced Sentencing for 2nd DUI Offense in Pennsylvania


Second-Time DUI Offenders May be Eligible for Reduced Sentence Will the New Pennsylvania Ruling Reduce Your DUI Penalties? If you were recently charged with a DUI offense in Pennsylvania and considered a “second-time offender” because you already completed the ARD program for a previous offense, you may be eligible to have your current sentence/punishment reduced.  …

Decriminalization of Marijuana in Pennsylvania


What is the current marijuana / cannabis decriminalization and legalization status in Pennsylvania? In Pennsylvania, recreational marijuana, or cannabis, is still illegal, although several cities have passed ordinances decriminalizing marijuana. Several cities have decriminalized marijuana, including Pittsburgh, Philadelphia, Harrisburg, Steelton, York, State College, Erie, Lancaster, Bethlehem and Upper Darby Township. Even so, arrests for marijuana …

Spousal Privilege


Spousal Privilege Laws in Pennsylvania In Pennsylvania, the law states that a husband and a wife may refuse to testify against each other in a criminal proceeding. However, this does not mean that a spouse is not allowed to testify against his or her spouse. Testimonial Privilege and Communications Privilege Usually, the privilege belongs to …